Gentle Monster: Wind Trace Forgotten

Fashion Brand Film

In December 2014, The LAB co-produced with Seoul-based production company 37th Degree an art-fashion project for Korean fashion sunglasses company Gentle Monster. As The LAB, we were responsible for complete management of the production, budget control, servicing, logistics, transport, casting and crew.

We shot for one day and two nights in an abandoned sugar factory 70 km north of Prague. On a massive 4000 m2 set, challenge also laid in the winter atmosphere that required special care for cast and crew. An extensive construction support had to be provided to also ensure safety on-site.

In cooperation with Academic Animals, the LAB hired trained animals for the shoot (an owl, a horse and a doberman). To complete the cast, high profile dancers from the Czech National Ballet Team and several models as protagonists were chosen through a selective casting process. The goal was to incorporate a staged choreography including the dancers, the animals and models to tell the art driven story. A professional brand photoshoot also ran in parallel to maximize the use of all the art elements and the budget.

On the technical side, we cooperated with Panavision who provided a full camera package including a 6K Red Epic Dragon camera, Zeiss Ultra Primes and a 30 feet Super-Technocrane. The lighting requirements where covered by Samuelson Lighting Prague including a 90kW generator truck and multiple 20kW light sources as key lights mounted on a 20-meter cherrypicker. We also had on site a full make-up and wardrobe truck with 5 make-up artists. The cherry on the cake were the excellent craft services provided by Hanzlik Catering – shrimps, grilled goat cheese a wonderful salmon dish and an excellent broth.

37th Degree sent art director Lee Berre to Prague with Korean producer Kimbo Kim and Italian director Giovanni Fumu. The LAB provided the supporting core crew consisting of experienced French D.o.P. Cedric Larvoire and Czech-based art director Jitka Sivrova.


Gentle Monster


  • Co-production with international production company 37th Degree
  • Responsible for production management, budget control & full servicing
  • 1 day & 2 nights shoot 70 km north of Prague in 4000 m2 abandoned factory
  • 50+ people crew
  • Cast consisting of 4 models, 3 animals and 3 dancers from the Czech National Ballet Team
  • Shot on Red Epic Dragon 6K & Zeiss Ultraprimes provided by Panavision Prague
  • Use of Technocrane Supertechno 30” for key shots
  • 90kW generator and 20kW lights provided by Samuelsons Lighting Prague



Steve Reverand
Martin Raiman

Line Producer:

Lucia Gimenez Viloria


Cedric Larvoire

Art Direction:

Lee Berre
Jitka Sivrova


Martin Kohout
Adriana Ambrosová
Viola Černodrinská
Sandra Černodrinská
Nikola Márová
Michaela Josífková
Guido Sarno


Q1 2015